Sunday, 29 March 2015

Casino soul in Hell

In lieu of anything new, I've decided to post up the Universe wants to Play with You material from my other blog as well as the 'odd' bit of poetry I put on there. It starts below:

Casino soul in hell

I have a dream. No, not that one born of struggles

for civil rights.

This another, anyway,

wrong tense, I’ll start again.

I had a dream, well more of an awake dream.

I don’t want to use the ‘v’ word, ideas above my station,

and I’m not William Blake.

There was a man, I think it was the gambling man-I couldn’t see his face

but I could smell the money.


Saturday, 7 March 2015


This is a rough draft of the beginning of a poem that I've been working on for a while now. I'm posting it now out of curiosity really to see if anyone has any thoughts about it. Almost all of this came out in one vomity rush one night and I typed it up the next day. I'm not writing it in an order that is linear but just when a particular stream of ideas appear, so what I've written so far is fragmented and disjointed.