Tuesday, 23 June 2015

New poem 2 - Everything is

Everything is

Nothing was,
Nothing will be,
But everything is.
Understand that and you have
The key to the universe.
You live,
But you don’t die.

New poem 1 - Nature's infinite reach

Nature’s infinite reach

How many noises can we make,
that sound like
the wind,
the sea,
the birds?
So few,
against the infinite voices
of nature.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

The universe wants to play with you (iii)

Merlin Phoenix Clinton didn't enjoy driving at night. he had to pull the seat closer to the wheel so he could peer myopically into the dark, clenching it tight as he could. He didn't like being spoken to when driving either. Or talk shows on the radio. he especially didn’t like Aaron talking to him at night or any other time. As they passed the 'no doctor, no hospital, one cemetery' sign in Waihola, he knew he would start up. He always did.

*I love that sign. it’s so stupid.

The universe wants to play with you (ii)

Don't send me any more of this crap. I have enough problems as it is. The cafe was closed by the council for a week because an idiot tourist said they found mouse shit in their rice salad. it was a raisin. just leave me alone, I don't need reminding that my sister is a nutter.

Originally posted here.

Friday, 17 April 2015

The Universe wants to Play with you (i)

I discovered something yesterday. Or at least I think I did. You can never be too sure these days with all the strange things that are happening around the place. And anyway, my grasp on reality has never been the same since reading Philip K Dick’s Exegesis. At least the weird dreams have stopped for now-I think. So I was on the side of the library waiting to cross the road to the cafĂ© and through the window, I saw a girl, well, a woman who was the spitting image of me. I didn’t have my glasses on because vanity always gets the better of me but it was just like looking in a mirror; she was so identical. I moved my arms to see if she did the same; she didn’t. That got a man staring at me.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Casino soul in Hell

In lieu of anything new, I've decided to post up the Universe wants to Play with You material from my other blog as well as the 'odd' bit of poetry I put on there. It starts below:

Casino soul in hell

I have a dream. No, not that one born of struggles

for civil rights.

This another, anyway,

wrong tense, I’ll start again.

I had a dream, well more of an awake dream.

I don’t want to use the ‘v’ word, ideas above my station,

and I’m not William Blake.

There was a man, I think it was the gambling man-I couldn’t see his face

but I could smell the money.


Saturday, 7 March 2015


This is a rough draft of the beginning of a poem that I've been working on for a while now. I'm posting it now out of curiosity really to see if anyone has any thoughts about it. Almost all of this came out in one vomity rush one night and I typed it up the next day. I'm not writing it in an order that is linear but just when a particular stream of ideas appear, so what I've written so far is fragmented and disjointed.